It’s Time to Let Go – Full Moon Renewal Ceremony

The full moon in July is referred to as the “Full Buck Moon” because this is the time of year buck’s antlers are in full growth mode. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, the July full moon is also sometimes called the Thunder Moon, Hay Moon, or Wort Moon. July 7th UPDATE: The ceremony was great! Thank you to those of you who joined me live. There… More It’s Time to Let Go – Full Moon Renewal Ceremony

The HBO I’ll Be Gone in the Dark Teaser Has Dropped

Update: Did not see this press release yesterday. It explains more about the approach to the series and mentions victims! I’m still worried this will romanticize one person (Michelle), but she did write the book!  I didn’t realize HBO was going to drop the teaser on Sunday and it did catch me a bit off-guard.… More The HBO I’ll Be Gone in the Dark Teaser Has Dropped

In the News | 1981 Prelim of Joe Alsip Links & Images

When Joe Alsip was arrested for the murder of Lyman and Charlene Smith, we finally learned about new aspects of the case – evidence, what had happened to them – and yet, many details still remained a mystery. It’s only with the connection to Joseph DeAngelo that we know more about what happened in the… More In the News | 1981 Prelim of Joe Alsip Links & Images

Job Hunting Coronavirus Edition with Shelley Karpaty

Shelley Karpaty has worked as a high-profile Silicon Valley recruiter – and worked with me at a cybersecurity firm awhile back! She bases her philosophy on the Sanskrit root for yoga, which means to add, join, unite, or attach. She works to find your passion, help you package it, and unite you with a company… More Job Hunting Coronavirus Edition with Shelley Karpaty

Build Your Personal Brand Pt 2 with Jennifer Carole

Today I take you through the rest of the personal brand building exercise where we focus on what motivates you and what makes you special. In the last episode, I had you figure out your current mission statement. By going through those steps, you should have identified what you want to do based on what’s… More Build Your Personal Brand Pt 2 with Jennifer Carole

Grief in the Time of Coronoavirus with Andrea Lott

Andrea Lott joined us today to talk about grief and how it might feel different right now because we can’t be with the people we love when we lose them. There’s very little that can replace a hug. Ironically, it’s touching more than just coronavirus victims. Even people dying from other causes are passing at… More Grief in the Time of Coronoavirus with Andrea Lott

From Survivor to Advocate with Kris Pedretti

Kris Pedretti was victim 10. At that time, the East Area Rapist had barely been acknowledged as a repeat offender. Kris was 15, a church girl who was incredibly innocent and extremely good-hearted. Within 90 minutes, Joseph DeAngelo (DNA guilty) stole her innocence and changed the course of her life. And yet, she’s moved from… More From Survivor to Advocate with Kris Pedretti

Gig Worker, Small Business Loan Explainer with Seanna Asper

Seanna Asper is a CPA (in Washington State) and an accountant who I met in coaching school. What this means is she brings a very wonderful approach to dealing with numbers. Here’s how she says it, “In this information age it’s easy to get information and seemingly harder to find people that truly care about… More Gig Worker, Small Business Loan Explainer with Seanna Asper

Build Your Personal Brand Part 1 with Jennifer Carole

As an experienced marketer who happens to love brand, one of the things I’ve often coached (mentored, advised) people on is building their personal brand. Here’s what that means: helping people articulate what they stand for and who they are in a way that’s personal, relateable and memorable. Today, in part one, I am adding… More Build Your Personal Brand Part 1 with Jennifer Carole

Paranormal Investigator Stacey Scott

Stacey Scott is an experienced psychic medium (aka paranormal investigator) who gives accurate crime-related and paranormal case readings. She does it through a range of her gifts (different kinds of clairvoyance) to law enforcement agencies, victim’s families, and those experiencing paranormal activity in their homes, public buildings, etc. Stacey has worked on a variety of cases, and… More Paranormal Investigator Stacey Scott

The Wheel of Life – How to Live and Plan with Intention

The Wheel of Life is a tool we use in coaching to help us help you make thoughtful decisions about your life. All too often, there’s an interruption (coronavirus?) and we suddenly realize we aren’t happy. The reason can be simple, “I just lost my job” or complex, “I don’t need more money, my partner… More The Wheel of Life – How to Live and Plan with Intention