Build Your Personal Brand Pt 2 with Jennifer Carole

Today I take you through the rest of the personal brand building exercise where we focus on what motivates you and what makes you special. In the last episode, I had you figure out your current mission statement. By going through those steps, you should have identified what you want to do based on what’s important to you. Now we’re going to take it one step further.

Listen to today’s show and then use the information below to help you map out your personal brand plan.


Or listen to the podcast

Here are the steps for building your personal brand.

Before we get into the details, here’s the end game. You’ll have a simple chart that describes

  • The problem you solve
  • Why you’re the person to solve it
  • Proof that you’re the right person

This will help you hone your resume, write a good cover letter and focus your personal marketing.

Before you do that, first take a minute and check-in on your values. Answer these questions:

  • What matters most to you
  • What have you expressed
  • What do you feel compelled to express but haven’t

Now, back to the hard stuff. With the mission statement work you did last week, and your values clearly identified, answer these two questions:

  • What is the problem you solve?
  • Now, this is harder, but it’s important, write it from the other’s point of view (client, hiring manager, etc.).

Now figure if you’re the right person for the task. What are your attributes: a blend of skills, personality, and reading the room.

  • Make a list of skills
  • Make a list of personality traits
  • Think about why you fit from their perspective

Now prove it. This is where all that experience comes in.

  • If you make an assertion – “I’m excellent at…” then you need to be able to prove it.

Proof comes in many forms:

  • Data – how many, how often, budget numbers, comparison
  • Testimonials – client lists, quotes, endorsements, memberships, awards
  • Visual proof – photos, demonstrations

And now bring it all together. I literally use a form. Here it is! Personal Brand Plan

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