Eileen Burke Woodward is one of the folks who taught me improv. I love playing with her and while we had no idea how this would work using Zoom, we gave it our best. When she’s not teaching improv or homeschooling her amazing sons, she does web design. What you may not know is Eileen is ready to team-teach with me on leadership coaching using improv. Learn more.
Of course the fact about her that I find most fascinating is her stint in the USAF. I think it’s because the Eileen I know is so willing to be bawdy and audacious, I wonder how she fit-in as a member of the military. That said, I’m glad she served.
Here’s what we pulled together for the April Fools show (note the nuance, this isn’t April Fool’s anything baby, just two fools enjoying the first day of April).
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O86Ecer2XW0[/embedyt]
Here are a couple improv videos to get you thinking (and smiling)
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep1c4457h_s[/embedyt]
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmafmRIeet0[/embedyt]