Team Building Featuring Improv

Laughter is the best medicine. It relaxes people while elevating their confidence. I have used humor with my teams for years. This team building workshop introduces concepts from improvisation to improve communication and relationships among the team members. From accepting the offer to thinking on your feet to staying aligned, improv provides relevant skills that… More Team Building Featuring Improv

Justice Fatigue: It’s a Thing and it Happens to Many of Us

Epstein is dead. I did not see that coming. Sometimes I am so naïve. I think good things happen to people who are good. I think the bad guy gets caught. I might as well add unicorns and fairies to my list because I’m clearly delusional. I heard one Epstein victim anger crying this morning… More Justice Fatigue: It’s a Thing and it Happens to Many of Us

I Used to Hate Him, But Now I Just Resent Joseph DeAngelo

The El Paso shooting has just happened and I am heartsick. I’m sure you’ll be shocked to learn I’m anti-gun – particularly when it comes to using them to kill one another – but I even feel like it’s not a fair fight when hunting. I don’t mind hunting, but use some skills darn it.… More I Used to Hate Him, But Now I Just Resent Joseph DeAngelo

The Unbearable Burden of Owning Your Truth | An Open Letter to Jeffrey Epstein’s Victims

When I found out the series of southern California murders were connected to the rapes in northern California, what I fantasized was one day I would meet the amazing rape survivors and somehow find common cause among them. While I wasn’t raped, the monster that had attacked them had raped my stepmom and killed both… More The Unbearable Burden of Owning Your Truth | An Open Letter to Jeffrey Epstein’s Victims

Deep Dive: “Man in the Window” and the Therapeutic Technique Many of Us are Using

I have a lot to say about Paige St John’s podcast. All of it good. But let’s start where she left off. In the final episode, Resurrection, she talks about the therapist Phyllis and Kris are seeing and she speaks briefly about the therapeutic technique. For those of you interested, I thought I’d provide more… More Deep Dive: “Man in the Window” and the Therapeutic Technique Many of Us are Using

True Crime Preliminary Research Results | Infographic!

[UPDATE: I have fixed the Infographic – now all ages are there and I added an explainer to the impact question.] Okay you wonderful people. I am thrilled to tell you about my research! Over 600 people took my survey and the results are compelling. I’ve created an infographic of the basic findings. I do… More True Crime Preliminary Research Results | Infographic!

Post-Court Gathering | Golden State Killer Survivors and HBO

Today I got my hands dirty planting some tomatoes and strawberries with the hope they will flourish. I used to be a great gardener, but the teen years and work pushed my avocation to the side. Well baby, I’m back. I read a beautiful quote from Virginia Woolf this morning (and good lord no, I… More Post-Court Gathering | Golden State Killer Survivors and HBO

Golden State Killer Survivors Exploited for Political Gain

It’s 4am as I start this because I can’t sleep. I’m so angry, it’s beyond my belief. I have to get this off my chest because what happened yesterday was absolute garbage. Regardless of your position on the death penalty, that’s not what this is about. No, it’s possible for everyone to have their own… More Golden State Killer Survivors Exploited for Political Gain

Court Date | April 10, 2019 – One Year Later, DeAngelo Earns the Death Penalty as Possible Consequence

It’s nearly 8pm and I am swimming in a hot mess of feelings. I might not even be able to write everything tonight because I need sleep and a chance to form my thoughts. Today had a lot of surprises and some of them are really bothering me. Don’t worry. I’ll explain. But I first… More Court Date | April 10, 2019 – One Year Later, DeAngelo Earns the Death Penalty as Possible Consequence

Another Court Date for DeAngelo in Sacramento Tomorrow

Now that Katie lives up here, it makes it just a bit more awesome coming north for another courtroom performance. Today, I spent the afternoon helping two Gen Z’s create resumes and think about what work environments would suit them and what won’t (like, let’s not hand Katie a try of cocktails, it won’t end… More Another Court Date for DeAngelo in Sacramento Tomorrow