Pass the Ball – Social Media Project is On!

Listen2Youth has been working closely with the team at WebEx to create the new website – The idea is simple – create a place where good things happen – donations for a wonderful cause (Teachers Without Borders) while individuals can share ideas and watch them grow. Along the way, increase brand awareness for the… More Pass the Ball – Social Media Project is On!

Meet Listen2Youth at Tech Titans SD Forum Event

Join us on Wednesday, May 13 in Palo Alto to learn how today’s teens are also today’s entrepreneurs. SD Forum is hosting an event that looks really interesting if you are following the teen market. “Teenagers are in constant contact through multiple means of technologies, including Facebook, Twitter, email, IM, MySpace and cell phones. We… More Meet Listen2Youth at Tech Titans SD Forum Event

Leadership and the User Experience: Is there a relationship?

With the changes at Apple – Steve Jobs stepping down for awhile, it has me thinking about the relationship between leadership and the user experience. I have had the privilege of working for a number of great high tech companies in the last twenty years. I have been part of teams at Adobe, Cisco, Sun,… More Leadership and the User Experience: Is there a relationship?

Top 10 Most Embarrassing Moments for Teens, Families and Tech

In the process of talking with our panel members about how they have helped their families with technology, we discovered some great stories. So we couldn’t resist. Here are the Top 10 tales from our kids from around the world as they coach their families through the technology landscape! 10“My parents were in the middle… More Top 10 Most Embarrassing Moments for Teens, Families and Tech

Hey Everyone! Stop Advertising, Start Communicating

We hear it from our teens all the time – they want to hear from the brands they care about but they don’t just want any old advertisement. They want information that is relevant, useful and meaningful. Today, on, I came across a new bit of research that offers an interesting perspective. One of… More Hey Everyone! Stop Advertising, Start Communicating

When Kids Rock the Vote: Tech Educates, Unifies

Now that the elections in the U.S. are over, I am inspired by the culmination of what was a tedious, arduous, sometimes aggravating process. I am inspired because in the end, my daughter, who is nine, became engaged, excited and encouraged about the process and the result. In California, we had a number of important… More When Kids Rock the Vote: Tech Educates, Unifies

Santa Cruz Style: When Does Social Networking Become Social Networking?!

I have a secret. I am one of the luckiest people on earth. Not only do I have a great job as a partner at Listen2Youth, studying young people all over the world as they tell us about how they use technology, but I get to do it while living in Santa Cruz,California. Until now,… More Santa Cruz Style: When Does Social Networking Become Social Networking?!

Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby. And Disney. Have I Piqued Your Interest?

Advice: The following blog contains mature content. At the Ypulse Mashup in July, two amazing people joined my table for lunch. I was hosting a discussion on using tech to build a brand and these two folks described their struggle. They actually have the “tech” part figured out. The problem is the brand. Or more… More Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby. And Disney. Have I Piqued Your Interest?

Is Disney Trying to Keep Parents Out of the Loop?

Last week I sat through three different sessions at the Ypulse National Mashup (a great event) where I heard from three different representatives from Disney: one from Disney Interactive, one from Disney Mobile and one from Disney Music. The Disney Music presentation was near the end of the conference and I left his talk feeling… More Is Disney Trying to Keep Parents Out of the Loop?

If You Care About Your Child’s Future, You Must Read This Blog

If you are a parent of younger children, this blog will depress you. If you are a parent of younger children, you need to read this blog. I just finished reading a long, intense article in Fast Company about the relationship between China and Africa. At first blush, you might wonder what it has to… More If You Care About Your Child’s Future, You Must Read This Blog