Court Date July 12 | Another Hearing and Meeting New Survivors

Sometimes we get so good at our jobs we can do them almost on autopilot. We don’t realize everyone else has no idea what we are doing or why we are going so fast. This was how Thursday went down. Fast, sloppy and almost chaotic. The slap-dash of serial rapist-murder hearings.  I’m pretty sure the… More Court Date July 12 | Another Hearing and Meeting New Survivors

Writing a Book About the Murders: I Can’t Do It and Here’s Why

I’m one of those people who doesn’t remember a lot of my childhood. There are good reasons why. While some memories are pure magic – picnics in my gramma front yard in Carmichael, friends who were always by my side, doing well in school and incredible teachers who saw me for who I was –… More Writing a Book About the Murders: I Can’t Do It and Here’s Why

News of the Day: DNA, Evidence, and Victim’s Assistance

My new friends in the media warned me about this. They said to be ready for the ups and downs. There would be quiet periods and then the noise would start again as decisions are made and new evidence presented. I’m glad they prepared me. I woke up this morning pretty hot because I’m really… More News of the Day: DNA, Evidence, and Victim’s Assistance

I’ll Be Gone in the Dark – Telling Other People’s Stories – Barnes and Noble Part 2

I didn’t know who Michelle McNamara was until I heard Patton talking about her on Conan shortly after she died. I had never heard from her nor read any of her work. That was little more than a year ago. I Googled and discovered her LA Magazine article and then read more about her death… More I’ll Be Gone in the Dark – Telling Other People’s Stories – Barnes and Noble Part 2

Citrus Heights Barnes and Noble Was Packed with Stories, Interest and Support

“Look for Karen,” Ray texted, “She’s coming up for the book event tonight!” Holy cow, I thought, she’s coming all the way to Citrus Heights to see Patton and crew? I knew Ray (and Karen) from my gig at WebEx, part of Cisco. I know East Area Rapist sleuths are a committed group, but I… More Citrus Heights Barnes and Noble Was Packed with Stories, Interest and Support

Privacy at Issue in DeAngelo Pretrial Hearing: Discuss

I sat in court on Tuesday, listening to arguments for the first time, as they apply to privacy, the search warrant, the search “return” (what they found) and three points of view – that of “the people,” which is the prosecution that doesn’t technically represent the victims but instead represents the state, that of the… More Privacy at Issue in DeAngelo Pretrial Hearing: Discuss

The Power of Women – East Area Rapist Survivors Are Fierce

Had anyone at a Buckhorn Grill looked our way, they would have seen a group of women, whooping it up, sharing laughter and a meal and singing happy birthday. What a wonderful group of women exhibiting a level of resilience that I believe, belongs to women. No matter what, most women know how to “soldier… More The Power of Women – East Area Rapist Survivors Are Fierce

Behind the Scenes – Discussing Golden State Killer with 20/20 on ABC

Exec staff was supposed to start at 11am, but as usual our head sales guy was late. As my CEO walked in, he looked my way and said, with an irreverent level of glee, “Wow, we get to be in the presence of a famous person today!” It was all I could do to keep… More Behind the Scenes – Discussing Golden State Killer with 20/20 on ABC