Behind the Scenes – Discussing Golden State Killer with 20/20 on ABC

Exec staff was supposed to start at 11am, but as usual our head sales guy was late. As my CEO walked in, he looked my way and said, with an irreverent level of glee, “Wow, we get to be in the presence of a famous person today!” It was all I could do to keep… More Behind the Scenes – Discussing Golden State Killer with 20/20 on ABC

Another Big Week Coming in Sacramento – Patton Oswalt and the Golden State Killer

It was a total fluke. I flipped on the TV and Patton Oswalt was just walking on stage with Conan O’Brien. I never watch late night TV but I could tell Conan was being remarkable. Something was happening. I didn’t know about Michelle MacNamara. I didn’t know she was working on a book or had… More Another Big Week Coming in Sacramento – Patton Oswalt and the Golden State Killer

Seeing DeAngelo for the First Time – Part Two

Two days have passed since seeing DeAngelo in court. There’s a dream I’ve been having since he was arrested that’s clearly from my own imagination and subconscious. In the dream, I am Charlene and watching Charlene at the same time – in that mystical way dreams commingle themes. I’m feeling his breath on me and… More Seeing DeAngelo for the First Time – Part Two

Today I Saw Joseph DeAngelo, The Golden State Killer, In Person for the First Time

I knew it would be tough to sleep. I felt the dread building into the evening and so I decided half a Xanax would help. Not so much. When the clock flipped to 1:30am, I was still talking to myself. I need sleep. I have to be up early. I was afraid the alarm wouldn’t… More Today I Saw Joseph DeAngelo, The Golden State Killer, In Person for the First Time

Venue Decision for Golden State Killer: Where Will We Hold the Trial

The press release below went out on May 11 regarding the on-going discussions among the district attorneys and the right venue for trying the Golden State Killer (I still can’t bear to use his name). The pros and cons of different locations. Since my dad was a lawyer, we have old friends who have shared… More Venue Decision for Golden State Killer: Where Will We Hold the Trial