KissMetrics Offers Great Tips for Creating Your Social Media Profile

The folks at KissMetrics write an excellent blog post on the 10 Elements of a Successful Social Media Profile. They make great points about consistency across profiles and authenticity in posting (like use a photo of yourself  for your personal profiles, not an avatar or object). Creating a successful social media profile for your company is as… More KissMetrics Offers Great Tips for Creating Your Social Media Profile

Three (Social Media) Things You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Brand

If social media scares you – and based on a new study this isn’t a bad assumption – you don’t have to jump in with both feet. In fact, there are three easy ways you can get your feet wet without making a huge commitment. And you can help your brand. This isn’t size specific… More Three (Social Media) Things You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Brand

The Value of Youth as an Emerging Market: Key Requirements for Online Services

We just wrapped a study with a proprietary panel looking at an online tool that would normally be considered a “business product” focusing on the user experience and new features. But we did something a little bit different. We threw our teen panel into the mix. This younger audience really shifted the results.   As… More The Value of Youth as an Emerging Market: Key Requirements for Online Services

Don’t Let This Happen to You! Online Meeting Embarassing Moments

Listen2Youth works with Cisco WebEx on social media and we just published a fun two-part blog on the unintended consequences of not paying attention during an online meeting. We thought you might enjoy reading the articles! Part One is here and you can catch Part Two here. Let’s us know what you think! If you use… More Don’t Let This Happen to You! Online Meeting Embarassing Moments

It’s Still All About the User Experience: Think Shoes!

When you think about it, nearly everything comes down to the user experience. Which phone you choose, which software packages you end up keeping, which car you drive – hmmm, maybe even which person you chose for your partner!? How well something works for you really matters. If you still don’t believe me, go look… More It’s Still All About the User Experience: Think Shoes!

Five Reasons Attending the Ypulse Mashup Will Help Your Business

On Monday, June 1st, another fantastic 2009 Ypulse Youth Marketing Mashup will kick off in San Francisco. If you aren’t already reading the daily Ypulse newsletter, you should be. But more importantly, if you haven’t figured out the value of attending the Mashup, let me give you a few good business reasons why you should.… More Five Reasons Attending the Ypulse Mashup Will Help Your Business

Pass the Ball – Social Media Project is On!

Listen2Youth has been working closely with the team at WebEx to create the new website – The idea is simple – create a place where good things happen – donations for a wonderful cause (Teachers Without Borders) while individuals can share ideas and watch them grow. Along the way, increase brand awareness for the… More Pass the Ball – Social Media Project is On!

Meet Listen2Youth at Tech Titans SD Forum Event

Join us on Wednesday, May 13 in Palo Alto to learn how today’s teens are also today’s entrepreneurs. SD Forum is hosting an event that looks really interesting if you are following the teen market. “Teenagers are in constant contact through multiple means of technologies, including Facebook, Twitter, email, IM, MySpace and cell phones. We… More Meet Listen2Youth at Tech Titans SD Forum Event