Unlearning Parenting

“Mom, you have to stop,” Katie tells me firmly but still calmly. Thank goodness she’s patient. “You know,” I said, “I think I am having an epiphany. I need to unlearn how to parent you. I have been doing these things since you were born and now I need to stop doing them. And that’s… More Unlearning Parenting

An Open Letter to Team Sports Folks: Please Don’t Sacrifice the Virgins!

Katie has never participated on a team sport. Yep. Totally true. She thought she might do soccer but on the free trial day, she was clobbered in the head and never went back. She kind of likes basketball but not enough to commit. Instead, she’s been a dancer and an artist. Now fast forward to… More An Open Letter to Team Sports Folks: Please Don’t Sacrifice the Virgins!

Out Here in The Middle: Changing America One Parent at a Time

Patricia Heaton as Frankie Heck on ABC’s The Middle. I was extremely moved by the events in Arizona last weekend (and this week). I listened to President Obama’s speech, hanging on every word about the incredible people who died and those who survived the brutal attack. And I have been caught up in the national… More Out Here in The Middle: Changing America One Parent at a Time

What Movies Should Every Kid See for “Cultural Intelligence”

I am talking pop-culture here. Those movies we have all seen that people reference in comedy routines. I am not worried about television right now (I know that’s another whole can of worms) but really looking for movies that kids should know about so they can relate to grown-ups! Post a comment here or tweet… More What Movies Should Every Kid See for “Cultural Intelligence”

Five Things You Should NOT Ask the Kids This Holiday Season

Yeah, that’s a Menorah ANDa Christmas tree. We get around. Katie was groaning the other day about going to another holiday party. “I don’t hate the party mom, I hate all the dumb questions the adults ask me!” she lamented. I think I am one of those adults!  It’s terrifying when you realize you have… More Five Things You Should NOT Ask the Kids This Holiday Season

Ahh Facebook: The Strange (Dangerous?) Case of Tweens Online

Last year, Facebook was all the rage among the fifth grade crowd. Why? Farmville. No more no less – sending Mystery Gifts, planting crops and decorating the farm. Over time, Farmville got old (and they pretty much made it so complicated it’s no fun anymore anyway) and the kids got older. Yeah, I know, they… More Ahh Facebook: The Strange (Dangerous?) Case of Tweens Online

Report Cards Came Out Yesterday – Publicly. Do Students Have a Right to Privacy?

Okay, so I need to say a bit more about grades. After my last blog about Katie’s addiction – which has been tempered, sorta   – I find I am still stuck on the subject after watching a disaster in the making yesterday! I arrived at school a little early and decided to wait for Katie… More Report Cards Came Out Yesterday – Publicly. Do Students Have a Right to Privacy?

Students Helping Students: They Can Lift Each Other Up (Academically)

The coolest thing happened yesterday. I didn’t expect it to be cool. I thought it was going to be a nightmare. But man, it turned out awesome. Imagine, it’s Monday: the day after Halloween (where we somehow picked up two extra kids along the way who ended up back at our house to watch the… More Students Helping Students: They Can Lift Each Other Up (Academically)

Restore Sanity to Halloween: The Ultimate Socialist Holiday!

I love Halloween. It’s colorful, creative and usually good fun. But there are weird conversations going on this year about making rules for how old kids can be who want to trick or treat – like no one over 14 should be allowed to go house to house (can you imagine being the cop who… More Restore Sanity to Halloween: The Ultimate Socialist Holiday!

First Middle School Dance Comes with Instructions! You Gotta See This!

While I was watching the Giants take game three last night, Katie was focusing on “groking” what she had learned in PE this week in preparation for Friday’s big (first) dance! At the commercial break, she dragged me into the office where she had laid it all out on our white board (they are closet… More First Middle School Dance Comes with Instructions! You Gotta See This!

Tween-age Grousing: This Strange Behavior Has Hidden Meaning

Ever since school started this fall, Katie has come home with weird stories about new behaviors she’s experiencing now that she’s in middle school. These are things the kids didn’t do before middle school (well, maybe a little but nothing like what’s happening now). It goes like this: Katie opens her lunch her friend immediately… More Tween-age Grousing: This Strange Behavior Has Hidden Meaning