Good Grief: Does Anyone Home School During the Holidays?

Yep. Last blog was November 16, 2009. Feels like a lifetime ago. Work got crazy, Thanksgiving was just around the corner and what happened on the home school front? Hapless grasping at learning opportunities that were often sacrificed to other commitments. I can’t be the only one who has had this happen. I had the… More Good Grief: Does Anyone Home School During the Holidays?

Gold Rush Continues: Columbia State Park Takes Us Back in Time

(This is part two of two on our trip to Gold Country.)We arrived at Columbia State Park just as the sun was setting. We quickly found our Bed and Breakfast, The Harlan House, which was more than adorable. We had the “wine cellar” which means we had a lot of space, the whole downstairs and… More Gold Rush Continues: Columbia State Park Takes Us Back in Time

Great Field Trip: Monterey Bay Aquarium Welcomes Homeschoolers

If you grow up in Santa Cruz County it’s inevitable you will end up going to the Monterey Bay Aquarium every year for a field trip. So of course we went on a field trip with Ocean – our home school team. We went on Monday and the weather was absolutely gorgeous. We got to… More Great Field Trip: Monterey Bay Aquarium Welcomes Homeschoolers

Public School “Deprogramming”: I Think We Did It!

At one of the first parent support groups, one of the things the experienced parents talked about was giving Katie time to “de-program” from her experiences at public school. I had no idea what they meant but I listened and watched because I figured they knew what they were talking about. Turns out, they were… More Public School “Deprogramming”: I Think We Did It!

Halloween Homeschool! The Legend of Sleepy Hollow & Trains!

We have the coolest place in Santa Cruz – it’s called Roaring Camp and they have old steam engine trains that take trips through the redwood forests of the Santa Cruz Mountains. And on Halloween, they have the ghost train based on the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. So, of course, I had to do it… More Halloween Homeschool! The Legend of Sleepy Hollow & Trains!

Show and Tell: Home School Style (this would never happen in public school!)

A couple of weeks ago Katie came home all excited because she found out she could bring one of her pets to share at school. This would be the end of one of the “inquiry days” and all she has to do was sign up to introduce one of her pets to the class. And… More Show and Tell: Home School Style (this would never happen in public school!)

Hot Dog! The Kid’s a Grass Roots Activist! It’s all about 350!

We took two friends to lunch today downtown to the Saturn Cafe. It’s uber Santa Cruzy – a vegetarian restaurant (I know! I eat there!) with the best FLT (that fake bacon) and grilled cheese in the world. And fat fries. Yum. Anyway, we come outside to see another uber Santa Cruz moment – the… More Hot Dog! The Kid’s a Grass Roots Activist! It’s all about 350!

Rant: Are You Freaking Kidding Me? Fifth Grade Standards…

I’m interrupting this blog for a brief rant. We are relunctant home schoolers. I wasn’t my original plan. And Katie insists she’s returning to “real school” next year. (We’ll see…) Anyway, I want to keep her somewhat on par with what fifth graders in California are doing. So I bought this workbook based on California… More Rant: Are You Freaking Kidding Me? Fifth Grade Standards…

Blog Action Day 2009: Kids Speak Out About Going Green

Since we now turn everything around here into a home school activity, I thought I would drag Katie into the fray. Today’s Blog Action Day 2009 and the focus is on Climate Change. So, I had Katie ask her friends if there were any brands they preferred because they are helping save the planet? The… More Blog Action Day 2009: Kids Speak Out About Going Green