Am I Stretching Things too Far? Home School Lessons from Farmville!?!

If you haven’t played Farmville yet, you’ve been warned! Don’t start! It’s totally addicting.  I initially started playing to learn more about how the folks at Zynga (the company behind the franchise) were so good at being “sticky.” That’s what we call it when an online application does a good job of bringing people back… More Am I Stretching Things too Far? Home School Lessons from Farmville!?!

Undercover Boss as Homeschool Curriculum – This is good stuff! (Worksheet Included!)

We started watching Undercover Boss with the very first episode. I was intrigued that the CEO of Waste Management was willing to do a “reality’ show and I was interested in learning more about their business. I mean we see their trucks all around us – what made it tick? Katie went along with me… More Undercover Boss as Homeschool Curriculum – This is good stuff! (Worksheet Included!)

Do boys and girls play differently? Oh yeah they do!

Today began so simply. Up early, bugged out to breakfast so the housekeeper could kick some butt. Took home school work to do at the IHOP. All good. Then it started raining. We got home to find the housekeeper freaking because the vacuum nearly caught on fire. And then Josh called: could he come over?… More Do boys and girls play differently? Oh yeah they do!

Life Aboard the USS Hornet: We Lived Like Sailors – Awesome!

Katie and I slept on the USS Hornet! Holy cow, talk about bringing history to life! It was a fantastic experience – from walking up the gang plank to choosing our bunk to eating in the mess. What a ship. We arrived in Alameda on Saturday at 4pm. It was a little “Navy” from the… More Life Aboard the USS Hornet: We Lived Like Sailors – Awesome!

Don’t Let This Happen to You! Online Meeting Embarassing Moments

Listen2Youth works with Cisco WebEx on social media and we just published a fun two-part blog on the unintended consequences of not paying attention during an online meeting. We thought you might enjoy reading the articles! Part One is here and you can catch Part Two here. Let’s us know what you think! If you use… More Don’t Let This Happen to You! Online Meeting Embarassing Moments

Fostering Independence (While I Take a Pill and Try to Stay Calm)

I figure one of the big “themes” of home school is letting Katie try to do things on her own. Giving her the freedom to experiment, fail, succeed and having me stay out of it. But holy crap is that hard! It started last weekend. She had a good friend over who she hadn’t seen… More Fostering Independence (While I Take a Pill and Try to Stay Calm)

Home School: With a little help from my friends…

One of the best things that happened in early winter is a friend joined us in home school. Jordan and Katie had played together and I had always thought Jordan’s mom Heidi seemed cool, but I had no idea. We’re In This TogetherHaving someone to share the experience with has been outstanding. It really helps… More Home School: With a little help from my friends…

It’s Still All About the User Experience: Think Shoes!

When you think about it, nearly everything comes down to the user experience. Which phone you choose, which software packages you end up keeping, which car you drive – hmmm, maybe even which person you chose for your partner!? How well something works for you really matters. If you still don’t believe me, go look… More It’s Still All About the User Experience: Think Shoes!