A New Adventure Begins: Middle School – Public Middle School

I thought she was going to burst. It was 24 hours before school would actually start and the kid was totally losing it. It turned out to be one of the longest periods of time I have lived through.

I know, I have to come to terms with the fact that Katie did not love home school. She did it, we had a lot of fun and for me, it was incredible. But she was lonely. Really lonely. So sometime last spring, I capitulated and agreed to let her attend our local middle school this fall.

She has been happy ever since.

We took a tour and met the principal and while I remained cautious, okay really I was filled with dread, we proceeded. And then, out of the blue, in an odd twist of fate, my very good friend was hired to be the new principal. The job wasn’t even vacant when we toured – it was as if Divine Intervention was at hand! I practically had a nervous breakdown when I got the news and I realized it was fear leaving my body (for like three hours!).

So Katie’s head is about to burst. She is ever-so-ready to jump into the fray and do all the things public school kids do – get up early, schlep their crap, go to PE, do homework – the list goes on and on.

We’ll see how it goes. Is it bad that I am still a skeptic?

So she’s off. The day is finally here. I’ll have more on that shortly!