Day 70: Project 2025 is the Heritage Foundation Coming for Us

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Project 2025 is a big plan created by the Heritage Foundation, a group that supports conservative ideas. It is a ginormous, detailed guide that discusses changes in important areas like immigration, environmental rules, and how federal agencies work.

The goal is to change policies and ensure that a future conservative government can quickly implement these changes by placing loyal people in key government jobs.

The Heritage Foundation was started in 1973 by conservative leaders Paul Weyrich (a political activist and commentator), Edwin Feulner (a political scientist and policy expert), and Joseph Coors (a businessman and heir to the Coors Brewing Company fortune). Since then, the Foundation has had a significant impact on U.S. politics.

The Foundation played a crucial role in President Ronald Reagan’s policies in the 1980s, especially his tax cuts and defense strategies. The tax cuts contributed to a period of economic growth but also led to increased national debt. More recently, the Foundation influenced the creation of Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, one of the biggest tax overhauls in U.S. history. This act lowered corporate taxes, reduced taxes for many individuals, and significantly added to the national debt.

The Heritage Foundation has been successful in pushing its conservative agenda for decades. Their strategies often involve detailed planning and long-term efforts, like Project 2025, which shows they’ve been working on these ideas for a long time. This plan is just the latest step in a long game that the Heritage Foundation has been playing to shape U.S. politics according to their views.

While former President Donald Trump has publicly distanced himself from the project, it is widely recognized that many of its key architects and supporters are closely tied to him and his previous administration. In an undercover interview with Project 2025, author and former Trump staffer Russell Vought said, on hidden camera, he was not worried about Trump’s public dismissal of Project 2025 and that the president had “blessed” his “organization.”

Project 2025 is essentially a blueprint for “institutionalizing Trumpism,” potentially entrenching a specific brand of conservative governance that could have lasting impacts on our democracy.

Project 2025 Poses a Significant Threat to Democratic Norms

Threatening democratic norms is particularly detrimental to America because these norms are the foundational principles that uphold the integrity, stability, and fairness of the democratic system.

Democratic Norm: Checks and Balances

In a democratic system, checks and balances are essential to ensure that no single branch of government—executive, legislative, or judicial—can dominate the others. This system is designed to prevent the abuse of power by distributing authority across various branches.

Threat: Project 2025 advocates for a significant centralization of power within the executive branch. It proposes restructuring federal agencies to bring them under tighter presidential control, thereby weakening the checks and balances that prevent any branch from becoming too powerful.

For instance, placing the Department of Justice under stricter presidential control, including appointing a loyal attorney general, could undermine the judiciary’s and law enforcement’s independence from political pressures.

Democratic Norm: Civil Service Independence

Civil servants are expected to operate independently of political influence, serving the public and the government impartially regardless of which political party is in power. This independence is crucial for maintaining a stable, effective, non-partisan government.

Threat: Project 2025 proposes reintroducing Schedule F, a classification allowing the president to replace many civil servants with political appointees. This move would effectively erode the civil service’s independence, turning it into a more politically driven entity. By filling key government positions with loyalists rather than non-partisan professionals, the executive branch could undermine the objectivity and stability of government operations.

Democratic Norm: Judicial Independence

Judicial independence is a cornerstone of democracy. It ensures that the judiciary can make decisions based on the law and the Constitution, free from outside influence, particularly from the executive and legislative branches.

Threat: Project 2025 outlines a strategy to appoint judges who strictly adhere to conservative interpretations of the Constitution, emphasizing reshaping the judiciary to reflect the values of the executive branch. This could lead to a judiciary that is less independent and more aligned with the executive branch’s political goals, potentially undermining the impartiality essential to justice.

Democratic Norm: Electoral Integrity

Electoral integrity is fundamental to a functioning democracy. It ensures that elections are free, fair, and accessible to all eligible voters. It includes the protection of voting rights, the impartial administration of elections, and the transparency of the electoral process.

Threat: Project 2025 advocates for stricter voter ID laws and other measures purportedly designed to prevent voter fraud. However, these measures could, in practice, restrict access to voting, particularly among marginalized communities, thereby undermining the principle of broad and equitable access to the ballot.

Project 2025 Presents Constitutional Concerns

Project 2025 also raises significant constitutional concerns that could fundamentally alter the balance of power within the U.S. government.

By advocating for increased executive control over federal agencies, restructuring judicial appointments, and implementing policies that challenge established legal norms, Project 2025 threatens to disrupt the foundational principles of checks and balances, judicial independence, and federalism that have long upheld the integrity of the American democratic system.

If implemented, these proposals could lead to a concentration of power that undermines the Constitution they claim to uphold. Let’s take a look:

Constitutional Concern: Expansion of Executive Power and Unitary Executive Theory

The Constitution establishes a separation of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches to prevent any single branch from becoming too powerful. The Unitary Executive Theory, endorsed by Project 2025, posits that the president should have near-complete control over the executive branch, including federal agencies. This concentration of power could undermine the checks and balances fundamental to the Constitution’s design.

Red Flag: Project 2025 advocates for expanding executive power by allowing the President to direct the entire executive branch and ensure that all agencies act following his agenda. This could lead to an imbalance of power where the executive branch dominates the other branches, weakening the separation of powers intended by the Constitution.

Constitutional Concern: Weakening of Congressional Oversight

The Constitution grants Congress the power to oversee the executive branch, serving as a critical check within the system of checks and balances. This oversight ensures that the executive branch remains accountable to the legislative branch and, by extension, to the people.

Red Flag: Project 2025 proposes reducing congressional oversight, particularly in the executive branch’s internal operations. This reduction could weaken Congress’s ability to hold the executive branch accountable, disrupting the balance of power and diminishing the effectiveness of legislative oversight.

Constitutional Concern: Restructuring or Eliminating Federal Agencies

Congress has the constitutional authority to establish and regulate federal agencies, which are essential for carrying out the laws passed by Congress. Significant changes to these agencies typically require congressional approval to ensure they align with legislative intent.

Red Flag: Project 2025 advocates for restructuring or even eliminating certain federal agencies without necessarily requiring new legislation from Congress. This could infringe upon Congress’s constitutional authority and shift significant power to the executive branch, allowing the President to unilaterally reorganize the government to suit executive priorities.

Constitutional Concern: Erosion of Federalism

Federalism is a core principle of the Constitution, which delineates power distribution between the federal government and the states. The Tenth Amendment reserves powers not explicitly granted to the federal government to the states or the people.

Red Flag: Project 2025 suggests consolidating federal power within the executive branch, potentially diminishing the authority of state governments. This centralization could infringe upon state sovereignty, violating the principles of federalism by reducing the state’s ability to govern independently in areas traditionally under its control.

Constitutional Concern: Potential Curtailment of Civil Liberties

The Bill of Rights protects fundamental individual freedoms, such as speech, religion, and assembly, from government infringement. Any government action threatening these rights must meet strict constitutional scrutiny to prevent the erosion of civil liberties.

Red Flag: Project 2025 proposes expanding government surveillance capabilities and increasing law enforcement powers. These measures could potentially infringe upon the Fourth Amendment’s protections against unreasonable searches and seizures and the First Amendment’s guarantees of free speech and religion. This expansion of power could lead to temporary or even permanent restrictions on civil liberties in the name of combating domestic threats.

Holy Crap: Project 2025 Training Programs and Their Implications

Project 2025 includes a comprehensive plan to prepare a boatload of conservative political appointees for government roles if a Republican wins the presidency in 2024.

The project’s “Presidential Administration Academy” is crucial to this strategy. It offers training on navigating the federal government, implementing conservative policies, and countering what the project describes as a hostile bureaucracy. This effort is framed as necessary to implement conservative goals within a future administration.

This training program could lead to a dangerous concentration of power within the executive branch. ProPublica reveals that future appointees are being coached on

  • bypassing bureaucratic processes,
  • avoiding Freedom of Information Act disclosures, and
  • outmaneuvering federal employees who might resist their agenda.

Such tactics raise concerns about the erosion of government transparency and accountability and potentially undermining democratic norms that rely on a non-partisan and independent civil service.

The project’s focus on preparing appointees to enact dramatic course corrections in the federal government suggests an intent to reshape government operations that align closely with a specific political ideology. This could marginalize other perspectives within the federal government, reducing its ability to function as an impartial institution serving all Americans. The implications of this approach could be profound, potentially leading to a more polarized government and less responsive to the population’s diverse needs.

Are You Worried? You Should Be.

This is not a drill.

Project 2025 is pushing changes that could significantly impact our democracy. It’s about giving more power to the President, making government jobs more political, changing how judges are chosen, and tightening voting rules. These changes could weaken the checks and balances that keep our democracy fair and independent.

It’s essential you understand what Project 2025 is really about. Start by reading articles on the topic, choose the issues that matter most to you, and then spread the word. Talk to people you know, share what you’ve learned on social media, and ask your leaders if they support these plans. We all need to be informed and take action to protect the principles that our country was built on.

How Project 2025 Could Impact Different Groups in America

This table shows how Project 2025 could affect different groups of people in the United States. Each group is listed along with the estimated number of people it includes. The table also explains what Project 2025 plans to do that might impact these groups, how those changes could affect their lives, and where you can find more information. Understanding these details can help us see the bigger picture of what Project 2025 might mean for everyone.

PopulationProject 2025 PlanConsequencesRead More
Female People
Est. pop. 166 million (1)
– Women
Project 2025 wants to take away FDA approval for the abortion pill mifepristone and use an old law to punish people who send abortion pills by mail.This could severely limit access to abortion for women across the country.Vox, Project 2025, Explained
Climate People
Est. pop. 150 million (2)
– Environmental activists, using as proxy for climate concerned individuals
The project plans to roll back environmental regulations and pull out of international climate agreements.This could set back efforts to fight climate change.Ms. Magazine, The 22 Scariest Lines We Found in Project 2025
Non-white People
Est. pop. 144 million (1)
– Including Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American
Project 2025 wants to ban teaching “critical race theory” in schools funded by the federal government.This could diminish educational content that addresses systemic racism and its impact on people of color.Forbes, What Is Project 2025?
Sick People
Est. pop. 133 million (3)
– Chronic conditions and disabilities
Project 2025 plans to cut Medicaid funding and add work requirements for benefits.This could limit access to healthcare for low-income and sick people.Vox, Project 2025, Explained
Smart People
Est. pop. 105 million (4)
– College graduates, using as proxy for student loan debt
Project 2025 plans to end student loan relief programs, including public service loan forgiveness.This could make it harder for educated people to manage their student debt.Forbes, What Is Project 2025?
Young People
Est. pop. 73 million (1)
– Under 18
Project 2025 emphasizes “school choice,” which would move public funds to private and religious schools.This could reduce the quality and availability of public education, especially in low-income areas.Forbes, What Is Project 2025?
Old People
Est. pop. 56 million (1)
– 65 and older
Project 2025 suggests reforming Social Security and Medicare by moving toward privatization and market-based solutions.This could reduce benefits and increase costs for seniors who rely on these programs.Ms. Magazine, The 22 Scariest Lines We Found in Project 2025
Immigrant People
Est. pop. 44 million (5)
– documented (35 million) and undocumented (11 million)
Project 2025 pushes for more deportations and stricter immigration law enforcement.This could lead to more family separations and fear in immigrant communities.Vox, Project 2025, Explained
Poor People
Est. pop. 37 million (1)
– Below poverty line
The project proposes cutting federal spending on programs that help the poor, including funding for low-income schools and school meal programs.This could reduce support for poor people, making it harder for them to access essential services.Vox, Project 2025, Explained
Est. pop. 20 million (6)
The plan aims to eliminate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs and limit laws that prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.This could make it harder to protect LGBTQIA+ people from discrimination.Forbes, What Is Project 2025?
Millionaire People
Est. pop. 22 million households (7)
Project 2025 proposes tax reforms to lower corporate taxes and create a flat tax rate.This could reduce the overall tax burden for high-income earners, including millionaires.Vox, Project 2025, Explained
Criminal People
Est. pop. 6.5 million (8)
-Incarcerated or on probation/parole
The plan calls for a major overhaul of the DOJ and FBI, focusing more on violent crime and the President’s agenda.This could lead to a more politically driven approach to criminal justice.Forbes, What Is Project 2025?
Federally Employed People
Est. pop. 2.1 million (9)
– Federal employees
Project 2025 wants to bring back Schedule F, which would allow the President to replace federal workers with political appointees.This could undermine the independence of federal employees.Vox, Project 2025, Explained


  1. U.S. Census Bureau (2023 estimate)
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2023 estimate)
  3. U.S. Department of Education (2023 estimate)
  4. Pew Research Center (2023 estimate)
  5. Gallup (2023 estimate)
  6. Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report (2023 estimate)
  7. U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (2023 estimate)
  8. U.S. Office of Personnel Management (2023 estimate)

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