Oh Yeah – You’re Looking at a Retirement Savings Expert Right Here

In the spring of 2012, I joined a rag tag group of people at Financial Engines to kick off their social media efforts. Because it’s heavily regulated – finance and investing – tackling social media was very different from my other clients. Everything we did had to be approved by compliance. Everything – including tweets… More Oh Yeah – You’re Looking at a Retirement Savings Expert Right Here

Turning Infographics into Real Time Dynamic Marketing Tools is a Win for Business

As a content provider – I think I must spend at least thirty percent of my life creating content for clients – I have become pretty good at using content as a digital marketing tool. There are so many ways to tell stories these days and it doesn’t have to be only via prose. In… More Turning Infographics into Real Time Dynamic Marketing Tools is a Win for Business

Financial Engines Delivers a Social Security Planner Everyone Can Use

I’ve been working with Financial Engines for a couple years now and one of the bigger projects has been their Social Security Planner. Typically their products are only available to employees whose employer buys the Financial Engines services. But today they launched a product that’s available to anyone at no charge! All you have to… More Financial Engines Delivers a Social Security Planner Everyone Can Use

Hoover Institution Debuts New Website and It’s Very Cool

It’s been a year since I’ve blogged which is a bad testament to a good year! It’s been busy with lots of great projects that I have neglected to share and so it’s time to catch-up. The first one is a biggie for the Hoover Institution! The Hoover Institution hired WebEnertia to re-do their website.… More Hoover Institution Debuts New Website and It’s Very Cool

Funkafied Technology Or How the User Experience Dictates Function

I realized the other day, I have no idea where our iPad is. It’s first generation (damned early adopters) and when we got it, we could barely put it down. It was always on the coffee table ready for game playing, email checking or Googling some weird fact or question we had about something we… More Funkafied Technology Or How the User Experience Dictates Function

Listen2Youth Brings Silicon Valley Social Media Tips to CALPA

I am a huge fan of California’s state parks. It’s like our parks are part of my DNA. My mom worked at Henry Cowell, I served on our local Friends of the Santa Cruz State Parks board. More importantly, as a resident of Santa Cruz County, I have been spoiled by the accessibility of our… More Listen2Youth Brings Silicon Valley Social Media Tips to CALPA

Get Technology Off My Back: Teenage POV on the Need for Tech Integration

Tyler Headley is a sophomore attending high school in the Pacific Northwest. He writes for us about tech, the user experience and social media – and his ideas about making changes that match the lifestyle of today’s youth. If you have questions for Ty, please leave a comment below.   When you walk into a… More Get Technology Off My Back: Teenage POV on the Need for Tech Integration

KissMetrics Offers Great Tips for Creating Your Social Media Profile

The folks at KissMetrics write an excellent blog post on the 10 Elements of a Successful Social Media Profile. They make great points about consistency across profiles and authenticity in posting (like use a photo of yourself  for your personal profiles, not an avatar or object). Creating a successful social media profile for your company is as… More KissMetrics Offers Great Tips for Creating Your Social Media Profile

Three (Social Media) Things You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Brand

If social media scares you – and based on a new study this isn’t a bad assumption – you don’t have to jump in with both feet. In fact, there are three easy ways you can get your feet wet without making a huge commitment. And you can help your brand. This isn’t size specific… More Three (Social Media) Things You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Brand

The Value of Youth as an Emerging Market: Key Requirements for Online Services

We just wrapped a study with a proprietary panel looking at an online tool that would normally be considered a “business product” focusing on the user experience and new features. But we did something a little bit different. We threw our teen panel into the mix. This younger audience really shifted the results.   As… More The Value of Youth as an Emerging Market: Key Requirements for Online Services

Don’t Let This Happen to You! Online Meeting Embarassing Moments

Listen2Youth works with Cisco WebEx on social media and we just published a fun two-part blog on the unintended consequences of not paying attention during an online meeting. We thought you might enjoy reading the articles! Part One is here and you can catch Part Two here. Let’s us know what you think! If you use… More Don’t Let This Happen to You! Online Meeting Embarassing Moments