Lesson Plan: Using Obama’s Speech to Teach, er um, Learn

Setting the (insane) controversy aside, I am going to have Katie watch and listen to Obama’s speech tomorrow. We won’t be realtime because I have to work all day, but we will watch the recording together and then we’ll do a little bit more. Typically, during any show, we pause the action a lot (thank… More Lesson Plan: Using Obama’s Speech to Teach, er um, Learn

Home School Orientation: So That’s Where All the Smart Women Went!

Today was kind of the “first day of school” if there is such a thing for home school. We went over to the school for orientation – to figure out how things work, to get our personal “consultant” and to meet new families. Katie had a mind meld with one of the consultants and I… More Home School Orientation: So That’s Where All the Smart Women Went!

First Home “Work Day”: Meaning Both of Us Worked!

I had to get a lot of work done today. I had meetings and writing to get done, so Katie had her first show-some-initiative, do it yourself “work day” for home school. She started out working on her one page journal entry based on the visit to King Tut, but that rapidly degenerated into organizing… More First Home “Work Day”: Meaning Both of Us Worked!

Five Reasons Attending the Ypulse Mashup Will Help Your Business

On Monday, June 1st, another fantastic 2009 Ypulse Youth Marketing Mashup will kick off in San Francisco. If you aren’t already reading the daily Ypulse newsletter, you should be. But more importantly, if you haven’t figured out the value of attending the Mashup, let me give you a few good business reasons why you should.… More Five Reasons Attending the Ypulse Mashup Will Help Your Business