First Home “Work Day”: Meaning Both of Us Worked!

I had to get a lot of work done today. I had meetings and writing to get done, so Katie had her first show-some-initiative, do it yourself “work day” for home school.

She started out working on her one page journal entry based on the visit to King Tut, but that rapidly degenerated into organizing her desk area. As she started to get her work area organized, she also wanted to get her “subjects” posted on our white board and then needed to also pull together some – what I will call “traditional classroom props”.

Then she showed some initiative! She went about creating a list of all the Presidents – from Washington to the present – and created labels for all of them. This kept her busy for a good two hours as she used a great page on the Wiki to get their full names and numerical order.

Stars and Stripes Forever

Then she wanted to create a flag (mind you, should could have printed one from the Internet) but no, she had to create a flag on her own. She went outside to look at our flag to get the stars figured out and then created a lovely paper flag that went on the white board. Then she wrote the pledge of alligence (where we generated the list of spelling words for next week) and then we said the pledge together!

I am amazed that I actually got work done today and she was totally stoked about her Presidents project. She didn’t finish the journal one pager, but oh well, I have a feeling patience is going to be a big part of home school (for me)!