Workshop at the Santa Cruz Resource Center for Nonviolence

Last Monday Katie started a week of Crunchy Camp – that was her nickname for the workshop she was attending at the Resource Center for Nonviolence called Exploring Your Social Justice Community. She really enjoyed herself. It turns out it wasn’t a youth workshop (that’s on me, I misread the description) so she was with… More Workshop at the Santa Cruz Resource Center for Nonviolence

What if Alex P Keaton Attended a Nonviolence Workshop in Santa Cruz?

Alex and Katie: Separated at Birth? Now that Katie’s home from her last great adventure (and has clearly slept more than any Koala Down Under), it’s time for her to re-engage with humanity in a constructive way. Tomorrow she starts a week of learning about social justice at a student workshop called Exploring Your Social… More What if Alex P Keaton Attended a Nonviolence Workshop in Santa Cruz?

Wow – Just Changed the Blog Title to “It’s High School”

First day and last day of middle school. Damn. Hard to believe the time has come. Middle school graduation was last week – I can’t believe how much this kid changed in one year. Who knew eighth grade would mark such significant developments. For a kid who really had one friend in middle school, she… More Wow – Just Changed the Blog Title to “It’s High School”

Middle School is Almost Over – We Made It Through the Wilderness

First Day of Middle School I’m so lucky. I have a fairly uncomplicated kid.    Now that middle school is finally coming to an end, I realized what we really went through in the last three years. For anyone just starting out: hang in there – what comes out on the other end is totally… More Middle School is Almost Over – We Made It Through the Wilderness

Funkafied Technology Or How the User Experience Dictates Function

I realized the other day, I have no idea where our iPad is. It’s first generation (damned early adopters) and when we got it, we could barely put it down. It was always on the coffee table ready for game playing, email checking or Googling some weird fact or question we had about something we… More Funkafied Technology Or How the User Experience Dictates Function

Every Body Eats! Unleashing Katie’s Passion for Learning

Yeah, it sounds nuts. What the heck am I talking about? When I learned a long time ago that neuron connections are vital for a rich, healthy brain, it became my focus. I wanted to make sure that when I took information, I was building new connections and hopefully improving my ability to retain what… More Every Body Eats! Unleashing Katie’s Passion for Learning

It’s Grassroots Baby – One Otter at a Time! Join the campaign!

Um, yeah. Katie pretending to be a fish. Don’t ask. I am a fan of Kickstarter. If you don’t know about this organization yet, you owe it to yourself to learn more. It’s a giant portal that hosts projects asking for donations from folks from all over. I have helped three projects so far and… More It’s Grassroots Baby – One Otter at a Time! Join the campaign!

Blog Action Day 2012 – The Power of We is the Key to Successful Parenting

There is nothing that rings more true for a single mom. I chose to be a single mom. When I wasn’t married at 34 – and there were no prospects on the horizon – I decided I would go ahead and have a kid using a sperm donor. I also knew I would be on… More Blog Action Day 2012 – The Power of We is the Key to Successful Parenting

The College Solution: Our Fantastic Evening with Lynn O’Shaughnessy

We attended one the best events about college finance and planning last night at Santa Cruz High School. Steven Shapiro (who I met with privately) had told me I needed to go and he was right. Lynn O’Shaughnessy was amazing. While Katie started to wear out, I think I could have stayed for another two… More The College Solution: Our Fantastic Evening with Lynn O’Shaughnessy

Listen2Youth Brings Silicon Valley Social Media Tips to CALPA

I am a huge fan of California’s state parks. It’s like our parks are part of my DNA. My mom worked at Henry Cowell, I served on our local Friends of the Santa Cruz State Parks board. More importantly, as a resident of Santa Cruz County, I have been spoiled by the accessibility of our… More Listen2Youth Brings Silicon Valley Social Media Tips to CALPA

Perspectives on a Memorial: Take Back Santa Cruz for Shannon Collins

I just got back from the Take Back Santa Cruz walk to honor the memory of Shannon Collins.  The sound of the bagpipes called us to the corner where she died and marched us through the streets of Santa Cruz to our destination: Camouflage, her store.  There must have been a couple hundred people –… More Perspectives on a Memorial: Take Back Santa Cruz for Shannon Collins