Home School Orientation: So That’s Where All the Smart Women Went!

Today was kind of the “first day of school” if there is such a thing for home school. We went over to the school for orientation – to figure out how things work, to get our personal “consultant” and to meet new families. Katie had a mind meld with one of the consultants and I… More Home School Orientation: So That’s Where All the Smart Women Went!

First Home “Work Day”: Meaning Both of Us Worked!

I had to get a lot of work done today. I had meetings and writing to get done, so Katie had her first show-some-initiative, do it yourself “work day” for home school. She started out working on her one page journal entry based on the visit to King Tut, but that rapidly degenerated into organizing… More First Home “Work Day”: Meaning Both of Us Worked!

When Kids Rock the Vote: Tech Educates, Unifies

Now that the elections in the U.S. are over, I am inspired by the culmination of what was a tedious, arduous, sometimes aggravating process. I am inspired because in the end, my daughter, who is nine, became engaged, excited and encouraged about the process and the result. In California, we had a number of important… More When Kids Rock the Vote: Tech Educates, Unifies

Santa Cruz Style: When Does Social Networking Become Social Networking?!

I have a secret. I am one of the luckiest people on earth. Not only do I have a great job as a partner at Listen2Youth, studying young people all over the world as they tell us about how they use technology, but I get to do it while living in Santa Cruz,California. Until now,… More Santa Cruz Style: When Does Social Networking Become Social Networking?!

Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby. And Disney. Have I Piqued Your Interest?

Advice: The following blog contains mature content. At the Ypulse Mashup in July, two amazing people joined my table for lunch. I was hosting a discussion on using tech to build a brand and these two folks described their struggle. They actually have the “tech” part figured out. The problem is the brand. Or more… More Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby. And Disney. Have I Piqued Your Interest?

Is Disney Trying to Keep Parents Out of the Loop?

Last week I sat through three different sessions at the Ypulse National Mashup (a great event) where I heard from three different representatives from Disney: one from Disney Interactive, one from Disney Mobile and one from Disney Music. The Disney Music presentation was near the end of the conference and I left his talk feeling… More Is Disney Trying to Keep Parents Out of the Loop?