Stranger Things – The Upside Down World of Murder – Adrian Gonzales

We were stopped in the left turn lane of an intersection that was five lanes deep. Adrian was super mad and started to get out of the passenger seat – which means he would have stepped out into traffic. I shouted stop! And locked all the doors. For some reason that worked. That moment scared… More Stranger Things – The Upside Down World of Murder – Adrian Gonzales

View from the Left – The Upside of a Trump Presidency

I’m up early because it’s hard to sleep these days. Work is fantastic and home life is good, but I’m constantly thinking about what’s happening to our country. As I lay awake, I realized, there has been something good that’s happened within our family and it extends to several of my friendships. We’re talking again.… More View from the Left – The Upside of a Trump Presidency

Teen Driving: How We Shot Ourselves in the Head in California

At some point – and I could go figure out when this happened but it pretty much doesn’t matter – we took Driver’s Education out of our schools. Stupidest move ever. If you aren’t aware, here’s how our kids learn to drive today. 1. They take an online course to get a certificate. This is… More Teen Driving: How We Shot Ourselves in the Head in California

The Joys of Midlife: A Kid that Can Drive and Three Things…

Katie is finally a junior and this summer she got her license. That means I don’t have to drive her around anymore. That means I am free. The result, I’m trying new things and having some adult fun once again. And, in my 53rd year, I’ve discovered three things that are keeping me very happy.… More The Joys of Midlife: A Kid that Can Drive and Three Things…

Workshop at the Santa Cruz Resource Center for Nonviolence

Last Monday Katie started a week of Crunchy Camp – that was her nickname for the workshop she was attending at the Resource Center for Nonviolence called Exploring Your Social Justice Community. She really enjoyed herself. It turns out it wasn’t a youth workshop (that’s on me, I misread the description) so she was with… More Workshop at the Santa Cruz Resource Center for Nonviolence

What if Alex P Keaton Attended a Nonviolence Workshop in Santa Cruz?

Alex and Katie: Separated at Birth? Now that Katie’s home from her last great adventure (and has clearly slept more than any Koala Down Under), it’s time for her to re-engage with humanity in a constructive way. Tomorrow she starts a week of learning about social justice at a student workshop called Exploring Your Social… More What if Alex P Keaton Attended a Nonviolence Workshop in Santa Cruz?

Wow – Just Changed the Blog Title to “It’s High School”

First day and last day of middle school. Damn. Hard to believe the time has come. Middle school graduation was last week – I can’t believe how much this kid changed in one year. Who knew eighth grade would mark such significant developments. For a kid who really had one friend in middle school, she… More Wow – Just Changed the Blog Title to “It’s High School”

Middle School is Almost Over – We Made It Through the Wilderness

First Day of Middle School I’m so lucky. I have a fairly uncomplicated kid.    Now that middle school is finally coming to an end, I realized what we really went through in the last three years. For anyone just starting out: hang in there – what comes out on the other end is totally… More Middle School is Almost Over – We Made It Through the Wilderness

Every Body Eats! Unleashing Katie’s Passion for Learning

Yeah, it sounds nuts. What the heck am I talking about? When I learned a long time ago that neuron connections are vital for a rich, healthy brain, it became my focus. I wanted to make sure that when I took information, I was building new connections and hopefully improving my ability to retain what… More Every Body Eats! Unleashing Katie’s Passion for Learning

It’s Grassroots Baby – One Otter at a Time! Join the campaign!

Um, yeah. Katie pretending to be a fish. Don’t ask. I am a fan of Kickstarter. If you don’t know about this organization yet, you owe it to yourself to learn more. It’s a giant portal that hosts projects asking for donations from folks from all over. I have helped three projects so far and… More It’s Grassroots Baby – One Otter at a Time! Join the campaign!