Day 74: Speech Battle Vance vs. Coach Walz

Today and tomorrow, I’ll review the acceptance speeches delivered by the Vice President and Presidential candidates. Today, we’re starting with the Vice-Presidential hopefuls, peeling back the layers of their words to see what they’re saying—and what it might mean for the future of our country.

I’ll walk you through a summary of each speech, highlighting the key points and the tone each candidate struck. After that, we’ll compare their approaches, exploring how their messages stack up against one another. And because I know it’s always helpful to see things side by side, I’ve put together a little table at the end that breaks down the issues reflected in each speech.

So, grab your favorite beverage, get comfortable, and let’s dig into what these speeches reveal about the candidates who want to help lead our nation.

JD Vance, Republican Candidate, Vice President, July 17, 2024, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Vance’s speech was both defiant and hopeful. He conveyed a strong sense of determination, portraying the challenges faced by America and the need for resilience and unity in overcoming them. Vance’s speech included critiques of current leadership, mainly focusing on what he sees as the failures of past policies under Joe Biden. At the same time, he struck a hopeful note by emphasizing the potential for renewal and the importance of fighting for a better future.

Vance’s main message called for strong, dedicated leaders who prioritize the needs of the American people over political or corporate interests.

He portrayed Donald Trump as a leader who puts America first and urged Republicans to unite and win the upcoming election. Vance highlighted the importance of family values, the struggles of working-class Americans, and the need to restore American industry and jobs.

Vance structured his speech around a few key storytelling arcs.

He began by reflecting on his roots in Ohio and how growing up in a struggling working-class community shaped his values. He shared stories about his grandmother, “Mamaw,” who played a significant role in his life, highlighting her toughness and dedication to protecting her family. This personal narrative connected his background with the struggles of many Americans today.

He then moved to a broader critique of the nation’s current state, focusing on the negative impact of policies supported by Joe Biden and other Washington politicians. Vance used the story of Donald Trump surviving the assassination attempt as an example of Trump’s resilience and dedication to America, framing Trump as a leader who fights for the country even in the face of great adversity.

Vance worked to connect with the audience through personal stories and examples that many Americans can relate to. For instance, when he talked about his grandmother’s determination to protect her family, he was trying to illustrate the values of courage and resilience that he hopes you’ll bestow upon him. This story, along with his acknowledgment of the struggles of working-class Americans, was his attempt to humanize his message and make it more relatable.

In conclusion, Vance rallied support for Donald Trump and the Republican Party by blending personal storytelling with a strong critique of current leadership.

Tim Walz, Democratic Candidate, Vice President, August 21, 2024, Chicago, Illinois

Tim Walz’s speech was optimistic and determined. He conveyed a sense of hope and resilience, emphasizing the importance of unity, hard work, and a commitment to improving the lives of all Americans. While he criticized the opposition, he focused on offering a positive and constructive alternative, aiming to inspire and motivate his audience to take action to support the Democratic vision for the future.

Walz’s main message emphasized the need for strong leadership that prioritizes the well-being of all Americans.

He spoke about the importance of freedom, not just as a political slogan but as a commitment to improving people’s lives. Walz also highlighted the responsibility to protect and uplift all citizens, especially the middle class, and ensure that everyone can succeed. Secondary messages included a critique of the Republican agenda, a focus on unity and hard work, and a vision for a better future under Democratic leadership.

Walz used proven rhetorical devices like storytelling and fact-checking in his approach.

Walz used storytelling to connect his personal experiences with the broader themes of his speech. He began by sharing his upbringing in a small town in Nebraska, where he learned the importance of caring for one another. He described how his service in the Army National Guard and his career as a teacher shaped his commitment to public service. Walz also told stories about his family, including his struggles with infertility and the joy of becoming a father, which he used to illustrate his belief in the freedom to make personal choices without government interference.

He then shifted to a broader narrative, criticizing Donald Trump and JD Vance’s policies and warning of the dangers their leadership could bring. Walz argued that their agenda would harm middle-class families, strip away essential protections, and serve only the wealthiest Americans. He contrasted this with Kamala Harris’s commitment to fighting for the rights and freedoms of all people, regardless of their background.

One of the most effective parts of Walz’s speech was his use of personal stories to make his points relatable. For example, he spoke about the medical debt his family faced after his father’s death and how government programs like Social Security and the G.I. Bill helped them survive. This story highlighted the importance of preserving and strengthening social safety nets, which resonated with many Americans who have faced similar struggles.

They both shared their origin stories, from their hometowns to who they are today.

J.D. Vance and Tim Walz told stories rooted in their personal histories, yet their approaches couldn’t be more different. Vance, connected to Ohio’s working-class communities, recounted his journey from a challenging childhood to a leadership position. “I grew up in Middletown, Ohio, a small town where people spoke their minds, built with their hands, and loved their God, their family, their community, and their country with their whole hearts,” Vance shared, emphasizing how these roots shaped his commitment to restoring American greatness.

In contrast, Walz reflected on his small-town upbringing in Nebraska, where his experiences as a teacher and Army National Guard member instilled a deep dedication to public service. “Growing up in a small town like that, you learn how to care for each other,” Walz said. “That family down the road, they may not think like you do or pray like you do. They may not love like you do. But they’re your neighbors. And you look out for them.” This sense of community and responsibility became the foundation of Walz’s vision for America—a vision centered on unity, inclusivity, and the common good.

As part of a team, they describe their presidential candidate’s strengths and why they’re on board.

Vance painted Donald Trump as a resilient figure, wronged by a broken system but undeterred in his fight for America. He portrayed Trump as a leader who, despite facing immense challenges, continues to stand firm for the country. “When Donald Trump rose to his feet in that Pennsylvania field—all of America stood with him,” Vance declared, invoking an image of strength and defiance.

This portrayal contrasted sharply with Walz’s depiction of Kamala Harris, whom he described as a leader unwavering in her commitment to the rights of all Americans. Walz highlighted Harris’s ability to work across party lines, emphasizing her dedication to unity and justice. “Kamala Harris has never hesitated to reach across that aisle if it meant improving your lives,” Walz stated, underscoring her inclusive and collaborative approach to leadership.

Where Vance zeroed in on the failures of past administrations, particularly under Biden, and called for a restoration of American greatness, Walz took a more forward-looking approach. Vance focused on the idea that America had lost its way and needed to return to its former glory under Trump’s leadership. “We need a leader who’s not in the pocket of big business but answers to the working man,” Vance asserted, reflecting his belief in a return to traditional American values.

In contrast, Walz spoke of the positive changes Democrats aim to bring, focusing on protecting freedoms and enhancing social programs. “When we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love,” Walz explained, presenting a vision of government that supports and empowers its citizens. Vance’s tone was confrontational, a rallying cry against the opposition. Walz offered a vision centered on constructive alternatives for the future, promoting a sense of hope and collective progress.

Economically, Vance prioritized policies that support American industry, criticizing the effects of globalization on the working class. Meanwhile, Walz focused on social spending—particularly healthcare and education—aiming to lift up middle-class families. These differing economic philosophies revealed deeper contrasts in their views on the government’s role: Vance advocated for protecting American interests and industries, while Walz argued for government intervention to safeguard personal freedoms and support those in need.

Vance and Walz expressed divergent visions of patriotism.

Both candidates expressed deep patriotism. Vance leaned heavily on themes of defending American values and battling those who threaten the nation’s strength. “We need a leader who’s feared by America’s adversaries,” Vance asserted, underscoring his vision of a strong, defiant America standing tall against internal and external threats. He framed patriotism as a fight—a call to protect and restore what he sees as the core of American greatness, stating, “Together, we will make America great again.”

Tim Walz also championed patriotism, but his vision was intertwined with inclusive values and a strong sense of social responsibility. “Growing up in a small town, you learn how to take care of each other,” Walz reflected, emphasizing a patriotism rooted in community and care for one another. For Walz, love of country means ensuring everyone has the opportunity to thrive regardless of background. “When we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love,” he explained, positioning his patriotism as one that seeks to uplift all citizens.

Fundamentally, Vance and Walz exhibit a stark contrast in values.

Vance champions traditional American values, voicing concerns about policies he believes are eroding them. He warns against what he sees as the dangers of globalization and liberal policies, calling for a return to what he considers the country’s foundational principles. “We’re done catering to Wall Street. We’ll commit to the working man,” Vance declared, aligning himself with a vision of America that prioritizes strength, resilience, and defiance in the face of perceived threats.

On the other hand, Walz strongly emphasized inclusivity, social justice, and the protection of personal freedoms. He spoke passionately about the need to protect reproductive rights, ensure access to healthcare, and support public education. “In Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make,” Walz stated, highlighting his belief in a government that respects and upholds the freedoms of all its citizens. His values-driven approach seeks to build a future where everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs, has the chance to succeed.

The Heart of the Matter: Two Paradigms: GOP Defiance vs. DNC Unity

In the end, Vance’s speech was a call to arms—a plea for Americans to fight to restore their country’s greatness. His words conveyed a defiant, patriotic, resilient, confrontational, and determined tone. Vance’s vision is one of a strong, assertive America that stands up against any challenge or threat. He appeals to those who feel that the nation’s traditional values are under siege and yearn to return to what they see as a stronger, more unified past.

Walz, however, called for unity, urging Americans to work together with determination to build a future where everyone has the chance to succeed. His speech was hopeful, inclusive, compassionate, optimistic, and resolute, reflecting a belief in a more inclusive and just America. Walz’s vision is one of a country where patriotism means lifting each other, ensuring every citizen has the freedom and support they need to thrive.

Considering these two distinct visions, the choice becomes clear: do we want a nation that fights to reclaim a perceived lost greatness, or do we strive for a future built on unity, inclusivity, and shared progress? Both candidates have laid out their paths, and the direction of America will be shaped by the values we choose to champion.

Main MessageWe need strong, dedicated leaders who prioritize the needs of the American people over political or corporate interests.We need strong leadership that prioritizes the well-being of all Americans.  
WomenIn his speech, Vance did not explicitly discuss his views on women, but he emphasized traditional family values and portrayed Trump as a caring father and grandfather.Walz emphasized the importance of protecting reproductive freedom, including access to fertility treatments, and expressed support for women’s rights. He also highlighted his respect for personal choices.
HealthcareVance criticized the impact of Biden’s policies on the middle class but did not directly address healthcare.Walz discussed healthcare, emphasizing the need to protect and expand access. He highlighted the importance of preserving Social Security and Medicare criticized Republican plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act and focused on making healthcare more affordable for everyone.
SpendingVance did not discuss government spending.Walz supported government spending on social programs, such as healthcare, education, and family support, and advocated for policies that benefit the middle class and those in need.
LGBTQIA+Vance did not address LGBTQIA+ issues directly in his speech.Walz did not discuss LGBTQIA+ issues in his speech.
Foreign RelationsVance emphasized the need to protect American interests and criticized policies that he believes weaken the country. He expressed support for a strong national defense and for standing up to foreign adversaries.Walz did not focus heavily on foreign relations.
EducationVance did not directly address education in his speech.Walz spoke about his background as a teacher and emphasized the importance of education. He highlighted policies he supported as governor, such as ensuring every child gets breakfast and lunch at school and investing in education to support future generations.
GunsVance did not address gun rights or control in his speech.Walz mentioned his support for the Second Amendment but emphasized that the first responsibility is to keep kids safe. He spoke about the importance of balancing gun rights with safety, particularly in the context of preventing school shootings.
ImmigrationVance strongly emphasized controlling immigration. He criticized policies allowing foreign labor to compete with American workers and argued for a focus on American jobs. He also mentioned the negative impacts of illegal immigration, including its contribution to the fentanyl crisis, implying a strict stance on immigration and border control.Walz did not explicitly discuss immigration policy in his speech.
Law and OrderVance portrayed Donald Trump as a leader who restores law and order, emphasizing Trump’s tough stance on crime and national security. He used Trump’s resilience after an assassination attempt as an example of strong leadership in maintaining law and order.Walz discussed law and order within the context of his efforts as governor. He mentioned investments in fighting crime and ensuring safety in his state. He also spoke about holding powerful interests accountable, indicating a balanced approach to law and order, including protecting citizens while addressing systemic issues.
PrisonsVance did not address prisons or criminal justice reform directly in his speech.In his speech, Walz did not explicitly discuss prisons or criminal justice reform, focusing more on social justice and inclusivity.

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