Day 78: How to Evaluate a Convention Speech

Political conventions are packed with speeches, and while getting caught up in the excitement is easy, listening critically is crucial. These speeches aren’t just about inspiring the crowd—they’re carefully crafted messages designed to influence, persuade, and motivate. But how do you cut through the rhetoric and understand what’s being said? This blog is all about… More Day 78: How to Evaluate a Convention Speech

Day 82: How Conventions Ignite Voter Power

Let’s be honest: when you hear “political convention,” you might picture stuffy speeches and endless flag-waving. But here’s the thing—conventions are where the real action begins; they’re the juice that ignites voter power. They’re not just about lectures and stage performances; they’re about getting people excited, mobilizing the crowd, and transforming viewers into voters. Conventions… More Day 82: How Conventions Ignite Voter Power

Day 83: From Backrooms to Ballots – Convention History

Before political conventions became a fixture of the American electoral process, selecting presidential candidates was much more informal and decentralized. In the United States’ early years, candidates were often chosen by a small group of political elites, often behind closed doors. This practice, known as the “King Caucus” system, involved congressional caucuses, where members of… More Day 83: From Backrooms to Ballots – Convention History