Day 49: Trump’s Inner Circle – The Convicted Criminals

Watch on YouTube or listen via podcast. Aesop famously said: “You can judge a man by the company he keeps.” While Project 2025 outlines an ambitious and public vision for reshaping America, Trump’s inner circle reveals a much darker picture. These are the convicted, the extremists, and the disruptors – men who continue to support… More Day 49: Trump’s Inner Circle – The Convicted Criminals

Day 62: American Failure-Lies, Guns, and Useful Idiots

I do this podcast like a radio show to discuss new information in real-time. Ultimately, this podcast may be a documentary-style time capsule about this election from one person’s point of view. We need to discuss new information based on the news that broke last night and today. At my wise old age of 62,… More Day 62: American Failure-Lies, Guns, and Useful Idiots