Day 66: Supreme Court Rulings That Changed Our Lives

Supreme Court decisions have played a massive role in shaping American society. Some of these rulings have advanced justice and equality, while others have sparked intense debates. This blog explores some of the most important Supreme Court cases, looking at how they’ve changed our laws and the way we live. Breaking Down Barriers: Victories in… More Day 66: Supreme Court Rulings That Changed Our Lives

Day 67: Supreme Court as Guardian of Democracy’s Fragile Balance

The Supreme Court is one of the three branches of the United States government, standing alongside the Executive Branch (led by the President) and the Legislative Branch (made up of Congress). Each branch has a unique job. The Supreme Court’s main job is to interpret the laws of the land, ensuring they follow the Constitution.… More Day 67: Supreme Court as Guardian of Democracy’s Fragile Balance

Day 76: Kamala to Accept the Nomination

As the fourth day of the convention unfolds, anticipation builds for the moment everyone has been waiting for: the presidential nominee’s acceptance speech. Traditionally, this night culminates in celebration, with confetti, balloons, and a sense of joy filling the air. However, the 2024 Democratic Convention has turned conventions upside down. We’ve seen norms enhanced—like the… More Day 76: Kamala to Accept the Nomination

Day 80: Conventions Gone Wild: Wins & Disasters

Let’s have some fun. Today, we will dish by looking at past convention moments as folks arrive in Chicago for the DNC. When you think about political conventions, you might picture the excitement, unity, and big speeches that set the tone for the election ahead. But let’s be real: Conventions don’t always go according to… More Day 80: Conventions Gone Wild: Wins & Disasters

Day 83: From Backrooms to Ballots – Convention History

Before political conventions became a fixture of the American electoral process, selecting presidential candidates was much more informal and decentralized. In the United States’ early years, candidates were often chosen by a small group of political elites, often behind closed doors. This practice, known as the “King Caucus” system, involved congressional caucuses, where members of… More Day 83: From Backrooms to Ballots – Convention History