Another Big Week Coming in Sacramento – Patton Oswalt and the Golden State Killer

It was a total fluke. I flipped on the TV and Patton Oswalt was just walking on stage with Conan O’Brien. I never watch late night TV but I could tell Conan was being remarkable. Something was happening. I didn’t know about Michelle MacNamara. I didn’t know she was working on a book or had even written for LA Magazine about our crimes. But I did see real agony as Patton worked his way through the interview. I couldn’t believe the GSK had taken another victim.

Next week in Sacramento looks interesting. 

The hearing is Tuesday morning at 8:30 (new rule, can we please do 10 for those of us who travel?). I expect the same drill as last time but I did ask Victim Services if we can sit where we’d like this time. I don’t like the idea of JJD predicting our behavior (we are using initials for DeAngelo because most of us can barely stand to type his name). I want to keep him on his toes – his lawyers too.

For any survivors and their friends who plan to be in the courtroom, you’re invited to join me for a private get together – coffee – just to talk and get to know one another. I figure we have a long journey ahead and knowing one another might help. If you are coming to court and would like to get together afterward, please send me an email. I want to keep the media away – this is just for us.

Wednesday evening, Patton Oswalt and crew come to Citrus Heights.

Barnes and Noble at the BirdcagePatton Oswalt at Barnes and Noble, will be hosting a special event with Patton and the two men who helped finish the book. If you are a survivor, please call ahead and they will hold a wristband for you. I have mixed feelings about Michelle’s book. I’ve talked with many folks and as best as I can figure out, the information Michelle wrote herself is compassionate and fairly complete. Information that was not done before she passed, was handled poorly, appears to have no fact checking and has hurt survivors by misrepresenting their loved ones or just having bad information.

You know I am going to dig into this. The chapter on Ventura is extremely short – which is fine – but it ends recommending the WORST article series ever written about our family by a reporter I still won’t talk with to this day. I seriously have such a short list of people I just won’t recognize, but she’s made the list. When the Ventura Star called after the arrest news broke, I told them in no uncertain terms, I would never speak with Ms. Cason. She’s a garbage writer and failed fact checker in my book. And sadly, Michelle’s book points to her series as a “excellent resource”. Um. No.

The Sac Bee has the “why he’s coming to Sacramento” but they really don’t have the “why” in the article. Jeez, just read it twice and there simply isn’t the “why”. But I know why and it makes me a little sad; only because it’s about HBO and not really Sacramento. HBO is planning to be there and any survivors should know that. I don’t want you to be caught off-guard if you are approached.

But so be it. Everyone is allowed to make money. In my book, they just aren’t allowed to do it while causing harm. Let’s see what happens.

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2 thoughts on “Another Big Week Coming in Sacramento – Patton Oswalt and the Golden State Killer

  1. Will be thinking of you on Tuesday…love your idea of being in a random part of the courtroom so JJD doesn’t know where to look/avoid looking. Be sure to put on your psychic protective armor everytime you are in his presence…there is BAD energy there…I got this advice once myself and it’s important! Drive safely…and hope you get to have a nice coffee gathering afterward with some other victims/families…

    1. Thanks Jen! I’m hitting the sheets early tonight. I need sleep! I will protect myself. Don’t worry!

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